Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) Duncan Macleod (2015)
# This file is part of the GW DetChar python package.
# GW DetChar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GW DetChar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GW DetChar.  If not, see <>.

"""Utilties for HTML output

import datetime
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys

from collections import OrderedDict
from getpass import getuser
from io import StringIO
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from pytz import reference
from shutil import copyfile
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from MarkupPy import markup

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name

from gwpy.time import from_gps

from ..plot import plot_segments
from .._version import __version__

__author__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'
__credit__ = 'Alex Urban <>'

CONDA = os.getenv("CONDA_EXE", None) or "conda"

# -- give context for ifo names

    'G1': {
        'name': 'GEO',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('Network Summary Pages', ''
    'H1': {
        'name': 'LIGO Hanford',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('LHO Summary Pages', ''
            ('LHO Logbook', '')])
    'I1': {
        'name': 'LIGO India',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('Network Summary Pages', ''
    'K1': {
        'name': 'KAGRA',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('Network Summary Pages', ''
            ('KAGRA Logbook', '')])
    'L1': {
        'name': 'LIGO Livingston',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('LLO Summary Pages', ''
            ('LLO Logbook', '')])
    'V1': {
        'name': 'Virgo',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('Network Summary Pages', ''
            ('Virgo Logbook', '')])
    'Network': {
        'name': 'Multi-IFO',
        'links': OrderedDict([
            ('Network Summary Pages', ''
            ('LHO Logbook', ''),
            ('LLO Logbook', ''),
            ('Virgo Logbook', ''),
            ('KAGRA Logbook', '')])

# -- HTML URLs






FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)

# -- Plot construction --------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class FancyPlot(object): """A helpful class of objects that coalesce image links and caption text for fancybox figures. Parameters ---------- img : `str` or `FancyPlot` either a filename (including relative or absolute path) or another FancyPlot instance caption : `str` the text to be displayed in a fancybox as this figure's caption """
[docs] def __init__(self, img, caption=None): if isinstance(img, FancyPlot): caption = caption if caption else img.caption self.img = str(img) self.caption = caption if caption else os.path.basename(self.img)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.img
# -- HTML construction --------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _get_card_header(context): """Return the correct bootstrap-4 card-header class for the given context """ if context == 'light': return 'card-header bg-light' else: return 'card-header text-white bg-%s' % context
[docs] def finalize_static_urls(static, base, cssfiles, jsfiles): """Finalise the necessary CSS and javascript files as URLS. The method parses the lists of files given, copying any local files into ``static`` as necessary to create resolvable URLs to include in the HTML ``<head>``. Parameters ---------- static : `str` the target directory for the static files, will be created if necessary base : `str` the base directory of the website cssfiles : `list` of `str` the list of CSS files to include jsfiles : `list` of `str` the (complete) list of javascript files to include Returns ------- cssurls : `list` of `str` the finalised list of CSS files jsurls : `list` of `str` the finalised list of javascript files """ static = Path(static).resolve() base = Path(base).resolve() def _local_url(path): """Copy a filepath into the static dir if required """ path = Path(path).resolve() # if file is already below static in the hierarchy, don't do anything if static in path.parents: return path.relative_to(base) # otherwise copy the file into static static.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) local = static / copyfile(str(path), str(local)) # only need str for py<3.6 return str(local.relative_to(base)) # copy lists so that we can modify cssfiles = list(cssfiles) jsfiles = list(jsfiles) for flist in (cssfiles, jsfiles): for i, fn in enumerate(flist): url = urlparse(fn) if url.netloc in {"", "file"}: flist[i] = _local_url(fn) return cssfiles, jsfiles
[docs] def new_bootstrap_page(base=os.path.curdir, path=os.path.curdir, lang='en', refresh=False, topbtn=True, navbar=None, **kwargs): """Create a new `` with custom twitter bootstrap CSS and JS headers Parameters ---------- base : `str`, optional relative path to the base directory, default: `.` path : `str`, optional path to directory where the page is located, default: `.` lang : `str`, optional language of the page, default: en refresh : `bool`, optional boolean switch to enable periodic page refresh, default: False topbtn : `bool`, optional boolean switch to include or exclude a floating button that scrolls to the top of the page, default: True navbar : `str`, optional HTML enconding of a floating navbar, will be ignored if not given, default: None Returns ------- page : `` a populated HTML page object, which can be appended to as desired """ # get kwargs with sensible defaults css = kwargs.pop('css', CSS_FILES) script = kwargs.pop('script', JS_FILES) # write CSS to static dir css, script = finalize_static_urls( os.path.join(path, 'static'), os.path.curdir, css, script, ) # create page page = page.header.append('<!DOCTYPE HTML>') page.html(lang=lang) page.head() if refresh: # force-refresh if requested page.meta(http_equiv='refresh', content='60') # ensure nice formatting on most devices page.meta(http_equiv='Content-Type', content='text/html; charset=utf-8') page.meta(content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0', name='viewport') page.base(href=base) page._full = True # link files for f in css:, rel='stylesheet', media='all') for f in script: page.script('', src=f, type='text/javascript') # add other attributes for key in kwargs: getattr(page, key)(kwargs[key]) # finalize header page.head.close() # open body and container page.body() if topbtn: glyph = markup.oneliner.i('', class_='fas fa-arrow-up') page.button(glyph, title='Return to top', class_='btn-float shadow', id_='top-btn') if navbar is not None: page.add(navbar) page.div(class_='container') return page
[docs] def get_brand(ifo, name, gps, about=None): """Return a brand for navigation bar formatting Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` interferometer prefix for color-coding, e.g. `'L1'` name : `str` name of the analysis, e.g. `'Scattering'` gps : `float` GPS second of the analysis about : `str`, optional relative path to the `about` page for this analysis, default: None Returns ------- brand : `` the navbar brand `page` object class_ : `str` object class of the navbar """ # navbar brand brand = markup.oneliner.div( ' '.join([ifo, name]), class_='navbar-brand border border-white rounded', ) # IFO links page = page.ul(class_='nav navbar-nav')'nav-item dropdown') page.a('Links', class_='nav-link dropdown-toggle', href='#', role='button', **{'data-bs-toggle': 'dropdown'}) page.div(class_='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end shadow') if about is not None: page.h6('Internal', class_='dropdown-header') page.a('About this page', href=about, class_='dropdown-item') page.div('', class_='dropdown-divider') page.h6('External', class_='dropdown-header') for name, url in OBSERVATORY_MAP[ifo]['links'].items(): if 'Summary' in name: day = from_gps(gps).strftime(r"%Y%m%d") url = '/'.join([url, day]) page.a(name, href=url, class_='dropdown-item', target='_blank') page.div.close() # dropdown-menu # nav-link dropdown-toggle page.ul.close() # nav navbar-nav class_ = ('navbar fixed-top navbar-expand-md navbar-{} ' 'shadow-sm').format(ifo.lower()) return ((brand, page()), class_)
[docs] def about_this_page(config, packagelist=True, prog=None): """Write a blurb documenting how a page was generated, including the command-line arguments and configuration files used Parameters ---------- config : `str`, `list`, optional the absolute path(s) to one or a number of INI files used in this process packagelist : `bool`, optional boolean switch to include (`True`) or exclude (`False`) a comprehensive list of system packages prog : `str`, optional name of the program which produced this page, defaults to the script run on the command-line Returns ------- page : :class:`` the HTML page to be inserted into the #main <div>. """ page = page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-12') page.h2('On the command-line') page.add(get_command_line(prog=prog)) # render config file(s) page.h2('Configuration files') page.p('The following INI-format configuration file(s) were passed ' 'on the comand-line and are reproduced here in full:') if isinstance(config, str): with open(config, 'r') as fobj: contents = page.add(render_code(contents, 'ini')) elif isinstance(config, list): page.div(id_='accordion') for i, cpfile in enumerate(config): page.div(class_='card mb-1 shadow-sm') page.div(class_='card-header') page.a( os.path.basename(cpfile), class_='collapsed card-link cis-link', href='#file%d' % i, **{'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse'} ) page.div.close() # card-header page.div(id_='file%d' % i, class_='collapse', **{'data-parent': '#accordion'}) page.div(class_='card-body') with open(cpfile, 'r') as fobj: contents = page.add(render_code(contents, 'ini')) page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # collapse page.div.close() # card page.div.close() # accordion # render package list if packagelist: page.add(package_table()) page.div.close() # col-md-12 page.div.close() # row return page()
[docs] def render_code(code, language): """Render a block of code with syntax highlighting Parameters ---------- code : `str` a raw block of source code language : `str` language the code is written in, e.g. `'python'` Returns ------- code : `` fully rendered command-line call """ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True) return highlight(code, lexer, FORMATTER)
[docs] def get_command_line(language='bash', about=True, prog=None): """Render the command-line invocation used to generate a page Parameters ---------- language : `str`, optional type of environment the code is run in, default: `'bash'` about : `bool`, optional whether this markup is for an 'about' page, default: `True` prog : `str`, optional name of the program which produced this page, defaults to the script run on the command-line Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered command-line arguments """ prog = prog or os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) page = if about: page.p('This page was generated with the following command-line call:') args = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) cmdline = ' '.join(['$', prog, args]) page.add(render_code(cmdline.replace(' --html-only', ''), language)) if about: page.p('The install path used was <code>{}</code>.'.format(sys.prefix)) return page()
[docs] def fancybox_img(img, linkparams=dict(), lazy=False, **params): """Return the markup to embed an <img> in HTML Parameters ---------- img : `FancyPlot` a `FancyPlot` object containing the path of the image to embed and its caption to be displayed linkparams : `dict`, optional the HTML attributes for the ``<a>`` tag lazy : `bool`, optional whether to lazy-load the image, default: False **params the HTML attributes for the ``<img>`` tag Returns ------- page : `` the markup object containing fancyplot HTML """ page = aparams = { 'title': img.caption, 'class_': 'fancybox', 'target': '_blank', 'data-caption': img.caption, 'data-fancybox': 'gallery', 'data-fancybox-group': 'images', } aparams.update(linkparams) img = str(img) substrings = os.path.basename(img).split('-') try: # If is the expected format, use channel and duration ifo_str = substrings[0] if not (len(ifo_str) == 2 and ifo_str[0].isalpha() and ifo_str[1].isdigit()): raise TypeError duration = substrings[-1].split('.')[0] if not duration.isdigit(): raise TypeError channel = f'{substrings[0]}-{substrings[1]}' img_str = f'{channel}_{duration}' except TypeError: # If unexpected format, use entire image name # This only changes the label of the image in the html code # and not the format of the page itself img_str = os.path.basename(img).split('.')[0] page.a(href=img, id_=f'a_{img_str}', **aparams) src_attr = lazy and 'data-src' or 'src' imgparams = { 'alt': os.path.basename(img), 'class_': lazy and 'img-fluid w-100 lazy' or 'img-fluid w-100', src_attr: img.replace('.svg', '.png'), } imgparams.update(params) page.img(id_=f'img_{img_str}', **imgparams) page.a.close() return page()
[docs] def scaffold_plots(plots, nperrow=3, lazy=True): """Embed a `list` of images in a bootstrap scaffold Parameters ---------- plot : `list` of `FancyPlot` the list of image paths to embed nperrow : `int` the number of images to place in a row (on a desktop screen) lazy : `bool`, optional whether to lazy-load images, default: True Returns ------- page : `` the markup object containing the scaffolded HTML """ page = x = int(12//nperrow) # scaffold plots for i, p in enumerate(plots): if i % nperrow == 0: page.div(class_='row scaffold') page.div(class_='col-sm-%d' % x) page.add(fancybox_img(p, lazy=lazy)) page.div.close() # col if i % nperrow == nperrow - 1: page.div.close() # row if i % nperrow < nperrow-1: page.div.close() # row return page()
[docs] def download_btn(content, label='Download summary', btndiv='dropdown float-right d-none d-lg-block', btnclass='btn btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle'): """Toggle download options with a Bootstrap button Parameters ---------- content : `list` of `tuple` of `str` collection of `(title, link)` pairs to list label : `str`, optional text appearing inside the button, default: ``Download summary`` id_ : `str`, optional unique HTML identifier for this button btndiv : `str`, optional class name of the enclosing ``<div>``, default: ``dropdown float-right d-none d-lg-block`` btnclass : `str`, optional class name of the Bootstrap button object, default: ``btn btn-secondary dropdown-toggle`` Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered download button """ page = page.div(class_=btndiv) page.button(label, type='button', class_=btnclass, **{'data-bs-toggle': 'dropdown', 'aria-expanded': 'false', 'aria-haspopup': 'true'}) page.div(class_='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end shadow') for item in content: if len(item) == 2: text, href = item download = href else: text, href, download = item page.a(text, href=href, download=download, class_='dropdown-item') page.div.close() # dropdown-menu page.div.close() # btndiv return page()
[docs] def parameter_table(content=[], start=None, end=None, flag=None, id_='parameters', tableclass='table table-sm table-hover'): """Render an informative section with run parameters in HTML Parameters ---------- content: `list` of `tuple` of `str` collection of parameters to list start : `float` GPS start time of the analysis end : `float` GPS end time of the analysis flag : `str`, optional name of a data-quality state flag required for this analysis section : `str`, optional text to label the section header (``<h2>``), default: ``Parameters`` id_ : `str`, optional unique HTML identifier for this section, default: ``parameters`` tableclass : `str`, optional the ``class`` for the summary ``<table>``, defaults to a responsive Bootstrap table Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered table of parameters """ # front-load time and flag info common = [ ('Start time (UTC)', '{0} ({1})'.format(from_gps(start), start)), ('End time (UTC)', '{0} ({1})'.format(from_gps(end), end)), ] if flag is not None: common.append(('State flag', markup.oneliner.code(flag))) content = common + content + [ ('System prefix', markup.oneliner.code(sys.prefix))] # initialize page page = page.table(class_=tableclass) # table body page.tbody() for row in content: col1, col2 = row, scope='row') page.tbody.close() # close table and write command-line page.table.close() return page()
[docs] def alert(text, context='info', dismiss=True): """Enclose text within a bootstrap dialog box Parameters ---------- text : `str` or `list` of `str` text to enclose within the box, if a `list` then each item will be rendered in a separate `<p>` tag context : `str`, optional Bootstrap context type, default: ``info`` dismiss : `bool`, optional boolean switch to enable (`True`) or disable (`False`) a dismiss button, default: `True` Returns ------- page : `` the rendered dialog box object """ page = class_ = ('alert alert-%s alert-dismissible fade show text-justify ' 'shadow-sm' % context if dismiss else 'alert alert-%s text-justify shadow-sm' % context) page.div(class_=class_) if dismiss: # add close button page.button(type_="button", class_="close", **{'data-dismiss': 'alert', 'aria-label': 'Close'}) page.span('&times;', **{'aria-hidden': "true"}) page.button.close() if isinstance(text, (list, tuple)): for msg in text: page.p(str(msg)) else: page.add(str(text)) page.div.close() return page()
[docs] def table(headers, data, caption=None, separator='', id=None, **class_): """Write a <table> with one row of headers and many rows of data Parameters ---------- headers : `list` list of column header names data : `list` of `lists` list of column data lists, for ``m`` rows and ``n`` columns, this should have dimensions ``m x n`` caption : `str`, optional content for this table's `<caption>` **class_ class attribute declarations for each tag used in the table, any of `table`, `thead`, `tbody`, `tr`, `th`, `td`, `caption` Returns ------- table : `` a formatted HTML page object containing the `<table>` """ class_.setdefault('table', 'table table-sm table-hover') # unwrap class declarations (so we don't get empty class attributes) kwargs = {} for tag in ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tr', 'th', 'td', 'caption']: try: kwargs[tag] = {'class_': class_.pop(tag)} except KeyError: kwargs[tag] = {} # create table and add caption page = if id is not None: kwargs['table']['id_'] = id page.table(**kwargs['table']) if caption: page.caption(caption, **kwargs['caption']) # write headers page.thead(**kwargs['thead'])**kwargs['tr']) for th in headers:, scope='col', **kwargs['th']) page.thead.close() # write body page.tbody(**kwargs['tbody']) for row in data:**kwargs['tr']) for td in row:, **kwargs['td']) page.tbody.close() page.table.close() # add export button if id: page.button( 'Export to CSV', class_='btn btn-outline-secondary btn-table mt-2', **{'data-table-id': id, 'data-filename': '%s.csv' % id}) return page()
[docs] def write_flag_html(flag, span=None, id=0, parent='accordion', context='warning', title=None, plotdir=None, plot_func=plot_segments, **kwargs): """Write HTML for data-quality flags Parameters ---------- flag : `~gwpy.segments.DataQualityFlag` the flag object to represent span : `~gwpy.sements.Segment`, optional GPS start and stop time of flag duration id : `int`, optional unique identifier for the flag, default: 0 parent : `str`, optional HTML identifier of the parent object, default: ``accordion`` context : `str`, optional Bootstrap context type, default: ``warning`` title : `str`, optional title of the flag, defaults to `` plotdir : `str`, optional path to directory containing plots, required if plotting segments plot_func : `func`, optional function used to plot segments, default: `~gwdetchar.plot.plot_segments` **kwargs : `dict`, optional additional keyword arguments to `plot_func` Returns ------- page : `` fully rendered HTML with a card object for the flag """ page = page.div(class_='card border-%s mb-1 shadow-sm' % context) page.div(class_=_get_card_header(context)) title = title or page.a(title, class_='collapsed card-link cis-link', href='#flag%s' % id, **{'data-bs-toggle': 'collapse'}) page.div.close() # card-header page.div(id_='flag%s' % id, class_='collapse', **{'data-parent': '#' + parent}) page.div(class_='card-body') # render segment plot if (plotdir is not None) and (plot_func is not None): flagr ='-', '_').replace(':', '-', 1) png = os.path.join( plotdir, '%s-%d-%d.png' % (flagr, span[0], abs(span))) plot = plot_func(flag, span, **kwargs) plot.close() # set up fancybox img = FancyPlot( img=png, caption='Known (small) and active (large) analysis ' 'segments for {}'.format(title)) page.add(scaffold_plots([img], nperrow=1, lazy=False)) # write segments segs = StringIO() try:, format='segwizard', coltype=type([0][0])) except IndexError: page.p('No segments were found.') else: page.pre(segs.getvalue()) page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # collapse page.div.close() # card return page()
[docs] def scaffold_omega_scans(times, channel, plot_durations=[1, 4, 16], scandir=os.path.curdir): """Preview a batch of omega scans in HTML Parameters ---------- times : `list` of `float` a list of GPS times to scan channel : `str` name of the channel being scanned, e.g. ``H1:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN`` plot_durations : `list` of `int` list of plot durations in seconds, default: `[1, 4, 16]` scandir : `str` path to the directory containing omega scans, default: `.` Returns ------- page : `` rendered scaffold of omega scan plots """ ifo = channel[:2].lower() page = page.div(class_='card card-%s' % ifo) page.div(class_='card-header pb-0') page.h5(cis_link(channel), class_='card-title') page.div.close() # card-header page.div(class_='card-body') page.ul(class_='list-group') for t in times:'list-group-item') page.div(class_='container') page.div(class_='row') page.h6() page.a(t, href='{0}/{1}'.format(scandir, t), class_='text-dark') page.h6.close() page.div.close() # row chanstr = channel.replace('-', '_').replace(':', '-') plots = [ '{}/{}/plots/{}-qscan_whitened-{}.png'.format( scandir, t, chanstr, dur) for dur in plot_durations] page.add(scaffold_plots( [FancyPlot(plot) for plot in plots], nperrow=3)) page.div.close() # container # list-group-item page.ul.close() # list-group page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # card return page()
[docs] def close_page(page, target, **kwargs): """Close an HTML document with markup then write to disk This method writes the closing markup to complement the opening written by `init_page`, something like: .. code:: html </div> <footer> <!-- some stuff --> </footer> </body> </html> Parameters ---------- page : `` the markup object to close target : `str` the output filename for HTML """ page.div.close() # container page.add(write_footer(**kwargs)) if not page._full: page.body.close() page.html.close() with open(target, 'w') as f: f.write(page()) return page()
[docs] def package_list(): """Get the list of packages installed alongside this one Returns a `list` of `dict` """ prefix = sys.prefix if (Path(prefix) / "conda-meta").is_dir(): raw = subprocess.check_output([ CONDA, "list", "--prefix", prefix, "--json", ]) else: raw = subprocess.check_output([ sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "list", "installed", "--format", "json", ]) if isinstance(raw, bytes): raw = raw.decode('utf-8') return json.loads(raw)
[docs] def package_table( h2="Environment", class_='table table-sm table-hover table-responsive', caption="Table of packages installed in the production environment", id_="package-table", ): """Write a table listing packages installed in the current environment Parameters ---------- h2 : `str`, `None`, optional the header for the HTML section caption : `str`, `None`, optional the `<caption>` for the package table Returns ------- html : `str` an HTML table """ # get package list and inspect columns pkgs = package_list() if "build_string" in pkgs[0]: # conda list cols = ("name", "version", "channel", "build_string") else: # pip list installed cols = ("name", "version") # create page and write <table> page ="") if h2 is not None: page.h2(h2, class_='mt-4') headers = [head.title() for head in cols] data = [[pkg[col.lower()] for col in cols] for pkg in sorted(pkgs, key=itemgetter("name"))] page.add(table(headers, data, caption=caption, id=id_, table=class_)) return page()