Source code for

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) Alex Urban (2018-)
# This file is part of the GW DetChar python package.
# GW DetChar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GW DetChar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GW DetChar.  If not, see <>.

"""Utilties for writing omega scan HTML pages

import os
import numpy
from functools import wraps
from collections import OrderedDict

from MarkupPy import markup

from gwpy.table import Table
from gwpy.time import tconvert

from import html as htmlio

__author__ = 'Alex Urban <>'
__credit__ = 'Duncan Macleod <>'

# -- HTML construction --------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def update_toc(toc, channel, name='GW'): """Add a channel to the page table of contents Parameters ---------- toc : `dict` dictionary used as table of contents for a bootstrap page channel : `OmegaChannel` channel to be added to `toc` name : `str`, optional name of a channel's block, default: `'GW'` Returns ------- out : `dict` the updated dictionary """ out = toc try: # update analyzed dict out[channel.section]['channels'].append(channel) except KeyError: out[channel.section] = { 'name': name, 'channels': [channel]} return out
[docs] def wrap_html(func): """Decorator to wrap a function with `init_page` and `close_page` calls This allows inner HTML methods to be written with minimal arguments and content, hopefully making things simpler """ @wraps(func) def decorated_func(ifo, gpstime, *args, **kwargs): # set page init args initargs = { 'title': '%s Qscan | %s' % (ifo, gpstime), 'base': os.path.curdir, } for key in ['title', 'base']: if key in kwargs: initargs[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # find outdir outdir = kwargs.pop('outdir', initargs['base']) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) # determine table of contents and refresh options toc = kwargs.pop('toc', {}) refresh = kwargs.pop('refresh', False) # determine primary channel correlated = kwargs.pop('correlated', False) primary = kwargs.pop('primary', '%s:GDS-CALIB_STRAIN' % ifo) # write about page try: config = kwargs.pop('config') except KeyError: about = None else: iargs = initargs.copy() aboutdir = os.path.join(outdir, 'about') prog = kwargs.pop('prog', None) if iargs['base'] == os.path.curdir: iargs['base'] = os.path.pardir iargs['toc'] = toc about = write_about_page( ifo, gpstime, config, prog=prog, outdir=aboutdir, **iargs) if os.path.basename(about) == 'index.html': about = about[:-10] # open page banner = navbar(ifo, gpstime, toc=toc) page = htmlio.new_bootstrap_page(refresh=refresh, navbar=banner, **initargs) # write analysis summary # (but only on the main results page) if about: page.add(write_summary(ifo, gpstime, incomplete=refresh)) write_summary_table(toc, correlated) if correlated: page.add(write_ranking(toc, primary)) kwargs['context'] = ifo.lower() # write content page.div(id_='main') # insert inner html directly page.add(str(func(*args, **kwargs))) page.div.close() # main # close page index = os.path.join(outdir, 'index.html') htmlio.close_page(page, index, about=about) return index return decorated_func
# -- Utilities ----------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_summary_table(blocks, correlated, base=os.path.curdir): """Write a summary table in various formats for users to download Parameters ---------- blocks : `dict` of `OmegaChannel` the channel blocks scanned in the analysis correlated : `bool` Boolean switch to determine if cross-correlation is included base : `str` the path for the `<base>` tag to link in the `<head>` """ # record summary data for each channel channel, time, freq, Q, energy, snr = ([], [], [], [], [], []) if correlated: corr, stdev, delay = ([], [], []) for block in blocks.values(): for chan in block['channels']: channel.append( time.append(chan.t) freq.append(chan.f) Q.append(chan.Q) energy.append( snr.append(chan.snr) if correlated: corr.append(chan.corr) stdev.append(chan.stdev) delay.append(chan.delay) # store in a table if correlated: data = Table([channel, time, freq, Q, energy, snr, corr, stdev, delay], names=('Channel', 'Central Time', 'Central Frequency (Hz)', 'Q', 'Energy', 'SNR', 'Correlation', 'Standard Deviation', 'Delay (ms)')) else: data = Table([channel, time, freq, Q, energy, snr], names=( 'Channel', 'Central Time', 'Central Frequency (Hz)', 'Q', 'Energy', 'SNR')) # write in several formats datadir = os.path.join(base, 'data') fname = os.path.join(datadir, 'summary') data.write(fname + '.txt', format='ascii', overwrite=True) data.write(fname + '.csv', format='csv', overwrite=True) data.write(fname + '.tex', format='latex', overwrite=True)
# -- Qscan HTML ---------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_summary( ifo, gpstime, incomplete=False, header='Summary', tableclass='table table-sm table-hover'): """Write the Qscan analysis summary HTML Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the interferometer prefix gpstime : `float` the central GPS time of the analysis incomplete : `bool` boolean switch to determine whether the scan is still in progress header : `str`, optional the text for the section header (``<h2``>) tableclass : `str`, optional the ``class`` for the summary ``<table>`` Returns ------- page : `` the formatted markup object containing the analysis summary table """ utc = tconvert(gpstime) page = page.div(class_='banner') page.h2(header) page.div.close() # banner page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-5') page.table(class_=tableclass) # make table body page.tbody()'Interferometer', scope='row')'%s (%s)' % (htmlio.OBSERVATORY_MAP[ifo]['name'], ifo))'UTC Time', scope='row') page.tbody.close() # close table page.table.close() page.div.close() # col-md-5 # make summary table download button page.div(class_='col-sm-12 col-md-7') content = [( ext, 'data/summary.{}'.format(ext), '{0}_{1}_summary.{2}'.format(ifo, gpstime, ext) ) for ext in ('txt', 'csv', 'tex')] page.add(htmlio.download_btn( content, btnclass='btn btn-{} dropdown-toggle'.format(ifo.lower()), )) page.div.close() # col-md-7 page.div.close() # row # write alert if incomplete: page.add(htmlio.alert( ('<strong>Note</strong>: This scan is in progress, and will ' 'auto-refresh every 60 seconds until completion.'), context=ifo.lower())) return page()
[docs] def write_ranking(toc, primary, thresh=6.5, tableclass='table table-sm table-hover table-bordered'): """Write a table of channels ranked by their similarity to the primary Parameters ---------- toc : `dict` metadata dictionary for navbar table of contents primary : `str` the name of the primary channel thresh : `float` the minimum correlation amplitude for appearing in this table tableclass : `str`, optional the ``class`` for the summary ``<table>`` Returns ------- page : `` the formatted markup object containing the analysis summary table """ # construct an ordered dict of channel entries entries = OrderedDict([ ('Channel', numpy.array([ for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('GPS Time', numpy.array([c.t for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('Frequency', numpy.array([c.f for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('Q', numpy.array([c.Q for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('Energy', numpy.array([ for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('SNR', numpy.array([c.snr for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('Correlation', numpy.array([c.corr for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])), ('Delay', numpy.array([c.delay for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']])) ]) std = numpy.array([c.stdev for b in toc.values() for c in b['channels']]) # identify the primary channel pind = numpy.nonzero(entries['Channel'] == primary) # sort by matched-filter correlation ind_sorted = numpy.argsort(entries['Correlation'])[::-1] if not numpy.array_equiv(ind_sorted[0], pind): # prepend the primary channel dind = numpy.nonzero(ind_sorted == pind) ind_sorted = numpy.delete(ind_sorted, dind) ind_sorted = numpy.insert(ind_sorted, 0, pind) # construct HTML table page = page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-12') aparams = { 'title': 'Whitened timeseries of the primary channel, %s.' % primary, 'class_': 'fancybox cis-link', 'data-fancybox': 'gallery', 'data-fancybox-group': 'images', 'target': '_blank', } tlink = markup.oneliner.a(primary, href='plots/primary.png', **aparams) page.p('Below are the top 5 channels ranked by matched-filter correlation ' 'within 100 ms of %s.' % tlink) # range over channels k = 0 data = [] for i in ind_sorted: if k > 5: break # reject channels with too high a glitch rate if (std[i] > 2) and (entries['Channel'][i] != primary): continue params = { 'title': entries['Channel'][i], 'href': '#%s' % entries['Channel'][i].lower().replace(':', '-'), 'class_': 'cis-link', } row = [ markup.oneliner.a(entries['Channel'][i], **params), str(entries['GPS Time'][i]), '%.1f Hz' % entries['Frequency'][i], str(entries['Q'][i]), str(entries['Energy'][i]), str(entries['SNR'][i]), ] if entries['Channel'][i] == primary: row.extend(['&mdash;', '&mdash;']) else: row.extend([str(entries['Correlation'][i]), '%s ms' % entries['Delay'][i]]) # increment counter data.append(row) k += 1 page.add(htmlio.table( headers=entries.keys(), data=data, separator='\n', table=tableclass)) page.div.close() # col-md-12 page.div.close() # row return page()
[docs] def write_block(blockkey, block, context, tableclass='table table-sm table-hover ' 'table-bordered d-none d-lg-table'): """Write the HTML summary for a specific block of channels Parameters ---------- blockkey: `str` the key labeling the channel block block : `dict` of `OmegaChannel` a list of channels and their analysis attributes context : `str` the type of Bootstrap ``<card>`` object to use, color-coded by GWO standards (must be one of 'h1', 'l1', 'v1', 'k1', 'i1', 'g1', or 'network') tableclass : `str`, optional the ``class`` for the summary ``<table>`` Returns ------- page : `` the formatted HTML for this block """ page = page.div(class_='card card-%s mb-5 shadow-sm' % context) # -- make heading page.div(class_='card-header pb-0') page.h5(': '.join([blockkey, block['name']]), class_='card-title') page.div.close() # card-header pb-0 # -- make body page.div(class_='card-body') page.div(class_='list-group') # -- range over channels in this block for i, channel in enumerate(block['channels']): page.div(class_='list-group-item flex-column align-items-start') # channel name chanid =':', '-') page.h5(htmlio.cis_link(, class_='card-title', id_=chanid) # summary table page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-sm-12 col-md-7') try: columns = ['GPS Time', 'Frequency', 'Q', 'Energy', 'SNR', 'Correlation', 'Delay'] entries = [[str(channel.t), '%s Hz' % channel.f, str(channel.Q), str(, str(channel.snr), str(channel.corr), '%s ms' % channel.delay]] except AttributeError: columns = ['GPS Time', 'Frequency', 'Q', 'Energy', 'SNR'] entries = [[str(channel.t), '%s Hz' % channel.f, str(channel.Q), str(, str(channel.snr)]] page.add( htmlio.table(columns, entries, separator='\n', table=tableclass)) page.div.close() # col-sm-12 col-md-7 # plot toggle buttons page.div(class_='col-sm-12 col-md-5') page.div(class_='btn-group flex-wrap', role='group') for ptitle, pclass, ptypes in [ ('Timeseries', 'timeseries', ('raw', 'highpassed', 'whitened')), ('Spectrogram', 'qscan', ('highpassed', 'whitened', 'autoscaled')), ('Eventgram', 'eventgram', ( 'highpassed', 'whitened', 'autoscaled')), ]: _id = 'btnGroup{0}{1}'.format(pclass.title(), i) page.div(class_='btn-group', role='group') page.button(ptitle, id_=_id, type='button', class_='btn btn-%s dropdown-toggle' % context, **{'data-bs-toggle': 'dropdown'}) page.div(class_='dropdown-menu shadow', **{'aria-labelledby': _id}) for ptype in ptypes: page.add(toggle_link('{0}_{1}'.format(pclass, ptype), channel, channel.pranges)) page.div.close() # dropdown-menu page.div.close() # btn-group page.div.close() # btn-group page.div.close() # col-sm-12 col-md-5 page.div.close() # row # plots page.add(htmlio.scaffold_plots( channel.plots['qscan_whitened'], nperrow=min(len(channel.pranges), 3))) page.div.close() # list-group-item # close and return page.div.close() # list-group page.div.close() # card-body page.div.close() # card return page()
# reminder: wrap_html automatically prepends the (ifo, gpstime) args, # and at least the outdir kwarg, so you should include those in the docstring, # but not in the actual function declaration - the decorator will take care of # that for you.
[docs] @wrap_html def write_qscan_page(blocks, context): """Write the Qscan results to HTML Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis gpstime : `float` the central GPS time of the analysis blocks : `dict` of `OmegaChannel` the channel blocks scanned in the analysis context : `str`, optional the type of Bootstrap ``<card>`` object to use, color-coded by GWO standard Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ page = page.div(class_='banner') page.h2('Channel details') page.div.close() # banner for key, block in blocks.items(): page.add(write_block(key, block, context)) return page
[docs] @wrap_html def write_null_page(reason, context='info'): """Write the Qscan results to HTML Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis gpstime : `float` the central GPS time of the analysis reason : `str` the explanation for this null result context : `str` type of bootstrap alert box to use, default: ``info`` Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ page = page.add(htmlio.alert(reason, context=context, dismiss=False)) return page
[docs] @wrap_html def write_about_page(configfiles, prog=None): """Write a page explaining how a Qscan analysis was completed Parameters ---------- ifo : `str` the prefix of the interferometer used in this analysis gpstime : `float` the central GPS time of the analysis configfiles : `list` of `str` list of paths of the configuration files to embed prog : `str`, optional name of the program which produced this page, defaults to the script run on the command-line outdir : `str`, optional the output directory for the HTML Returns ------- index : `str` the path of the HTML written for this analysis """ # set up page return htmlio.about_this_page( configfiles[0] if len(configfiles) == 1 else configfiles, prog=prog, )