Source code for gwdetchar.overflow

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) LIGO Scientific Collaboration (2015-)
# This file is part of the GW DetChar python package.
# GW DetChar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GW DetChar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GW DetChar.  If not, see <>.

"""Find ADC/DAC overflows associated with a particular front-end model

import gwdatafind
import h5py
import os
import sys
import tqdm
import warnings

from import cache_segments
from gwpy.segments import (DataQualityFlag, DataQualityDict,
                           Segment, SegmentList)

from . import (cds, cli, const, daq)
from .io import (html as htmlio)
from .io.datafind import get_data
from .utils import table_from_segments

from matplotlib import use

__author__ = 'TJ Massinger <>'
__credits__ = ('Duncan Macleod <> '
               'Alex Urban <>')

    'H1': 'LIGO-Hanford',
    'L1': 'LIGO-Livingston',
    'K1': 'KAGRA',
    'V1': 'Virgo',

# set up logger
PROG = ('python -m gwdetchar.overflow' if sys.argv[0].endswith('.py')
        else os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
LOGGER = cli.logger(name=PROG.split('python -m ').pop())

# -- parse command-line -------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def create_parser(): """Create a command-line parser for this entry point """ # initialize argument parser parser = cli.create_parser( prog=PROG, description=__doc__, ) # required arguments cli.add_gps_start_stop_arguments(parser) cli.add_ifo_option(parser) # optional arguments parser.add_argument( 'dcuid', type=int, nargs='+', help='DCUID for the relevant front-end model', ) cli.add_frametype_option( parser, required=const.IFO is None, default=const.IFO is not None and '%s_R' % const.IFO, ) cli.add_nproc_option( parser,) parser.add_argument( '--deep', action='store_true', default=False, help='perform deep scan, default: %(default)s', ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--state-flag', metavar='FLAG', help='restrict search to times when FLAG was active', ) parser.add_argument( '--nds', metavar='HOST:PORT', help='use the given NDS host:port to access data, ' 'default: use datafind', ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output-file', help='path to output data file, default name will be ' 'automatically generated based on IFO and GPS times', ) parser.add_argument( '-I', '--integer-segments', action='store_true', default=False, help='pad all overflow segments to integer ' 'boundaries (default: %(default)s)', ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--segment-pad', type=float, default=0.1, help='minimum padding (one-sided) for output segments when ' 'using --output-format [segments|integer-segments]', ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--segment-end-pad', type=float, default=1.0, help='amount of time to remove from the end of each analysis segment', ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--html', type=os.path.abspath, help='path to write html output', ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--plot', action='store_true', default=None, help='make plots of all overflows, default: %(default)s', ) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--fec-map', help='URL of human-readable FEC map, default: infer from IFO', ) parser.add_argument( '-u', '--simulink', help='URL of human-readable Simulink model, default: infer from IFO', ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--daqsvn', help='URL of the front-end data gathering configuration, ' 'default: internal LIGO DAQ subversion repository', ) # return the argument parser return parser
# -- main code block ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def main(args=None): """Run the online Guardian node visualization tool """ parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args=args) fec_map = args.fec_map simulink = args.simulink daqsvn = args.daqsvn or ('' 'listing.php?repname=daq_maps') if args.ifo == 'H1': if not fec_map: fec_map = '' if not simulink: simulink = '' if args.ifo == 'L1': if not fec_map: fec_map = '' if not simulink: simulink = '' span = Segment(args.gpsstart, args.gpsend) # let's go'{} Overflows {}-{}'.format( args.ifo, int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend))) # get segments if args.state_flag: state = DataQualityFlag.query(args.state_flag, int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend), url=const.DEFAULT_SEGMENT_SERVER) tmp = type( for i, seg in enumerate( if abs(seg) < args.segment_end_pad: continue tmp.append(type(seg)(seg[0], seg[1]-args.segment_end_pad)) = tmp.coalesce() statea = else: statea = SegmentList([span]) if not args.output_file: duration = abs(span) args.output_file = ( '%s-OVERFLOWS-%d-%d.h5' % (args.ifo, int(args.gpsstart), duration)) LOGGER.debug("Set default output file as %s" % args.output_file) # set up container overflows = DataQualityDict() # prepare data access if args.nds: from import nds2 as io_nds2 host, port = args.nds.rsplit(':', 1) ndsconnection = io_nds2.connect(host, port=int(port)) if ndsconnection.get_protocol() == 1: cachesegs = SegmentList([Segment(int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend))]) else: cachesegs = io_nds2.get_availability( ['{0}:FEC-1_DAC_OVERFLOW_ACC_0_0'.format(args.ifo)], int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend), ) else: # get frame cache cache = gwdatafind.find_urls(args.ifo[0], args.frametype, int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend)) cachesegs = statea & cache_segments(cache) flag_desc = "ADC/DAC Overflow indicated by {0}" # get channel and find overflows for dcuid in args.dcuid:"Processing DCUID %d" % dcuid) channel = daq.ligo_accum_overflow_channel(dcuid, args.ifo) overflows[channel] = DataQualityFlag(channel, known=cachesegs) if args.deep: LOGGER.debug(" -- Getting list of overflow channels") try: channels = daq.ligo_model_overflow_channels( dcuid, args.ifo, args.frametype, gpstime=span[0], nds=args.nds) except IndexError: # no frame found for GPS start, try GPS end channels = daq.ligo_model_overflow_channels( dcuid, args.ifo, args.frametype, gpstime=span[-1]) for chan in channels: # set up flags early overflows[chan] = DataQualityFlag( chan, known=cachesegs, description=flag_desc.format(chan), isgood=False, ) LOGGER.debug(" -- %d channels found" % len(channel)) for seg in cachesegs: LOGGER.debug(" -- Processing {}-{}".format(*seg)) if args.nds: read_kw = dict(connection=ndsconnection) else: read_kw = dict(source=cache, nproc=args.nproc) msg = "Reading ACCUM_OVERFLOW data:".rjust(30) data = get_data( channel, seg[0], seg[1], pad=0., verbose=msg, **read_kw ) new = daq.find_overflow_segments( data, cumulative=True, ) overflows[channel] += new" -- {} overflows found".format(len( if not continue # go deep! for s, e in tqdm.tqdm(, unit='ovfl', desc='Going deep'.rjust(30)): data = get_data(channels, s, e, **read_kw) for ch in channels: try: overflows[ch] += daq.find_overflow_segments( data[ch], cumulative=True, ) except KeyError: warnings.warn("Skipping {}".format(ch), UserWarning) continue LOGGER.debug(" -- Search complete") # write output"Writing segments to %s" % args.output_file) table = table_from_segments( overflows, sngl_burst=args.output_file.endswith((".xml", ".xml.gz")), ) if args.integer_segments: for key in overflows: overflows[key] = overflows[key].round() if args.output_file.endswith((".h5", "hdf", ".hdf5")): with h5py.File(args.output_file, "w") as h5f: table.write(h5f, path="triggers") overflows.write(h5f, path="segments") else: table.write(args.output_file, overwrite=True) overflows.write(args.output_file, overwrite=True, append=True) # write HTML if args.html: # get base path base = os.path.dirname(args.html) os.chdir(base) if args.plot: args.plot = os.path.curdir if args.output_file: args.output_file = os.path.relpath( args.output_file, os.path.dirname(args.html)) if os.path.basename(args.html) == 'index.html': links = [ '%d-%d' % (int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend)), ('Parameters', '#parameters'), ('Segments', [('Overflows', '#overflows')]), ('Results', '#results'), ] if args.state_flag: links[2][1].insert(0, ('State flag', '#state-flag')) (brand, class_) = htmlio.get_brand(args.ifo, 'Overflows', args.gpsstart) navbar = htmlio.navbar(links, class_=class_, brand=brand) page = htmlio.new_bootstrap_page( title='%s Overflows | %d-%d' % ( args.ifo, int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend)), navbar=navbar) else: page = page.div(class_='container') # -- header page.div(class_='pb-2 mt-3 mb-2 border-bottom') page.h1('%s ADC/DAC Overflows: %d-%d' % (args.ifo, int(args.gpsstart), int(args.gpsend))) page.div.close() # -- paramters content = [('DCUIDs', ' '.join(map(str, args.dcuid)))] if daqsvn: content.append(( 'FEC configuration', ('<a href="{0}" target="_blank" title="{1} FEC configuration">' '{0}</a>').format(daqsvn, args.ifo))) if fec_map: content.append(( 'FEC map', '<a href="{0}" target="_blank" title="{1} FEC ' 'map">{0}</a>'.format(fec_map, args.ifo))) if simulink: content.append(( 'Simulink models', '<a href="{0}" target="_blank" title="{1} ' 'Simulink models">{0}</a>'.format( simulink, args.ifo))) page.h2('Parameters', class_='mt-4 mb-4', id_='parameters') page.div(class_='row') page.div(class_='col-md-9 col-sm-12') page.add(htmlio.parameter_table( content, start=args.gpsstart, end=args.gpsend, flag=args.state_flag)) page.div.close() # col-md-9 col-sm-12 # link to summary file if args.output_file: ext = ('HDF' if args.output_file.endswith((".h5", "hdf", ".hdf5")) else 'XML') page.div(class_='col-md-3 col-sm-12') page.add(htmlio.download_btn( [('Segments ({})'.format(ext), args.output_file)], btnclass='btn btn-%s dropdown-toggle' % args.ifo.lower(), )) page.div.close() # col-md-3 col-sm-12 page.div.close() # row # -- command-line page.h5('Command-line:') page.add(htmlio.get_command_line(about=False, prog=PROG)) # -- segments page.h2('Segments', class_='mt-4', id_='segments') # give contextual information msg = ("This analysis searched for digital-to-analogue (DAC) or " "analogue-to-digital (ADC) conversion overflows in the {0} " "real-time controls system. ").format( SITE_MAP.get(args.ifo, 'LIGO')) if args.deep: msg += ( "A hierarchichal search was performed, with one cumulative " "overflow counter checked per front-end controller (FEC). " "For those models that indicated an overflow, the card- and " "slot-specific channels were then checked. " ) msg += ( "Consant overflow is shown as yellow, while transient overflow " "is shown as red. If a data-quality flag was loaded for this " "analysis, it will be displayed in green." ) page.add(htmlio.alert(msg, context=args.ifo.lower())) # record state segments if args.state_flag: page.h3('State flag', class_='mt-3', id_='state-flag') page.div(id_='accordion1') page.add(htmlio.write_flag_html( state, span, 'state', parent='accordion1', context='success', plotdir=args.plot, facecolor=(0.2, 0.8, 0.2), edgecolor='darkgreen', known={ 'facecolor': 'red', 'edgecolor': 'darkred', 'height': 0.4, } )) page.div.close() # record overflow segments if sum(abs( for s in overflows.values()): page.h3('Overflows', class_='mt-3', id_='overflows') page.div(id_='accordion2') for i, (c, flag) in enumerate(list(overflows.items())): if abs( == 0: continue if abs( == abs(cachesegs): context = 'warning' else: context = 'danger' try: channel = cds.get_real_channel( except Exception: title = '%s [%d]' % (, len( else: title = '%s (%s) [%d]' % (, channel, len( page.add(htmlio.write_flag_html( flag, span, i, parent='accordion2', title=title, context=context, plotdir=args.plot)) page.div.close() else: page.add(htmlio.alert('No overflows were found in this analysis', context=args.ifo.lower(), dismiss=False)) # -- results table page.h2('Results summary', class_='mt-4', id_='results') page.table(class_='table table-striped table-hover') # write table header page.thead() for header in ['Channel', 'Connected signal', 'Num. overflows']: page.thead.close() # write body page.tbody() for c, seglist in overflows.items(): t = abs( if t == 0: elif t == abs(cachesegs):'table-warning') else:'table-danger') try: except Exception: page.tbody.close() page.table.close() # -- close and write htmlio.close_page(page, args.html)"HTML written to %s" % args.html)
# -- run from command-line ---------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": main()